Kat Brewster, Aloe DeGuia, Samuel Mayworm, Ria Khan, Mel Monier, Denny L. Starks, and Oliver L. Haimson. 2025. "That Moment of Curiosity": Augmented Reality Face Filters for Transgender Identity Exploration, Gender Affirmation, and Radical Possibility. In Proceedings of the 2025 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2025). [in press].
Ria Khan, Kat Brewster, Aloe DeGuia, Denny L. Starks, Malaya Mañacop, Samuel Mayworm, Tawanna R. Dillahunt, and Oliver L. Haimson. 2025. Cataloging Augmented, Ambivalent Transgender Futures: Designing Inclusive AR Technologies for Trans Communities Through Speculative, Participatory Zine-Making. In Proceedings of the 2025 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2025). [in press].
Samuel Mayworm, Kendra Albert, and Oliver L. Haimson. 2024. Misgendered During Moderation: How Trans Bodies Make Visible Cisnormative Content Moderation Policies and Enforcement on Social Media Platforms. In Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, & Transparency (FAccT 2024). [link].
Hibby Thach, Samuel Mayworm, Michaelanne Thomas, and Oliver L. Haimson. 2024. Trans-Centered Moderation: Trans Technology Creators and Centering Transness in Platform and Community Governance. In Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, & Transparency (FAccT 2024). [link].
Samuel Mayworm, Michael Ann DeVito, Daniel Delmonaco, Hibby Thach, and Oliver L. Haimson. 2024. Content Moderation Folk Theories and Perceptions of Platform Spirit Among Marginalized Social Media Users. ACM Transactions on Social Computing 7, 1: 1-27. [link].
Samuel Mayworm, Shannon Li, Hibby Thach, Daniel Delmonaco, Christian Paneda, Andrea Wegner, and Oliver L. Haimson. 2024. The Online Identity Help Center: Designing and Developing a Content Moderation Policy Resource for Marginalized Social Media Users. Proceedings of the ACM Human Computer Interaction (PACM HCI) CSCW [Computer-Supported Cooperative & Social Computing] [link].
Daniel Delmonaco, Samuel Mayworm, Josh Guberman, Hibby Thach, Aurelia Augusta, and Oliver L. Haimson. 2024. “What are you doing, TikTok?”: How Marginalized Social Media Users Perceive, Theorize, and “Prove” Shadowbanning. Proceedings of the ACM Human Computer Interaction (PACM HCI) CSCW [Computer-Supported Cooperative & Social Computing] [link].
Hibby Thach, Samuel Mayworm, Daniel Delmonaco, and Oliver L. Haimson. 2022. (In)Visible Moderation: A Digital Ethnography of Marginalized Users and Content Moderation on Twitch and Reddit. New Media & Society. [link].